[Piles of Dreams 2015]

The Piles of Dreams series circles the theme of Man’s ruthless exploitation of Planet Earth, but also proposes the notion that Mankind has the possibility to create something beautiful from chaos; something constant from the destructive agenda of our age.…

[Days of Eyes 2014]

Days of Eyes (2014) was photographed at the Botanical Garden in Uppsala, Sweden. The images depict figures standing against trees hung with tropical vines. Amongst the vines heavy black cables merge with the existing plant life. We depend on cables…

ARTityd teaser, SVT1, UR

ARTityd is a Documentary series on the Swedish Television, SVT1, UR,  about artists in Sweden, the full program about Maria Friberg is Directed by Henrik Ahnborg and broadcasted 18 of November at 22.30, Enyoy!

Transmission 2010

Transmission video 3 min 40 sec loop The video explores the themes of power, masculinity, the relationship between man and nature and social changes that ensue.  

Calmation 2012

“Calmation” shows a man floating in a river with strong currents. The man in the video does not attempt to escape into a virtual reality but instead tries to find balance and control in the place where he is. We…

Duration (2012)

A prominent quality of staged photography as a genre is that is often aesthetically pleasing. The beauty attracts our gaze and then reveals stories that are both subversive and ambiguous. The interplay between the beauty and the uncanny element of…

The Painting Series (2011)

With my background in a painterly tradition, I have always considered my photographs and videos as still or moving paintings. In this new series, I have approached painting in a more literal and physical way, in regards to the production…