Belonging (2011)

In a world defined by consumption, we are what we own. In “Belonging”, we see a small boy sitting on a heap of toys. It is a documentary portrait, in the sense that all the objects are the child’s own,…

Transmission (2010)

Transmission is a film and photo project (3.40 min Loop, and four still photograph). I first got the ide when I was living in NYC 2001-2002. Then I just wanted to put a camera in the one of the wholes…

Way ahead (2009)

Way ahead is a photographic series about how we meet our future. You can neither be in the future nor see the future, but you can have an idea of what the future will bring and see a diffuse picture…

Commoncause (2008)

In Commoncause (2008) Friberg looks at the social problems and promise presented by masses of humans without any obvious bodies depicted. She wrapped 300 half-deflated basketballs in black velvet and rolled them down the steps of the Nationalmuseum in Stockholm.…

Embedded (2007)

Serien ”Embedded” började som en undersökning av förhållandet mellan den naturliga världen och den kulturellt betingade världen. Som titeln antyder handlar det om en känsla av säkerhet, om att bli omsluten och beskyddad. Men det finns en dubbelhet i det…